Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind

The U.S. may finally have found a way to force U.S. corporations to pay their goddamn taxes. Europe is welcoming the idea proposed by the U.S. to establish a global tax rate of 15%.

To companies like Apple, Google and others -- congratulations. You brought this on yourselves. For years you've used ridiculous and disingenuous schemes like the Double Irish with a Dutch Sandwich to pretend your revenues don't come to the US and instead are recognized elsewhere. Then you snickered and claimed, with a straight face, that you were paying every penny you owed. Even when people like Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz called Apple's tax song-and-dance a "fraud."

And now this. The U.S. will bring you to heel by getting other countries to stop letting you dodge your responsibilities. And Janet Yellen says the U.S. wants to push for more than 15%. If you had paid taxes honestly in the U.S. you might have avoided this.


Yes, your company can afford to pay $15 an hour